Libya Security Update, 18-25 October

Despite Arrests, Assassinations Continue

In spite of a much trumpeted arrest of a "terrorist cell" leftover from Gaddafi's regime made up of Libyans and Chadians on 21 October, assassinations continue.  Authorities in Benghazi were anxious to show progress on catching those responsible for the rash of assassinations in the city over the past month after the assassination of military police commander Colonel Ahmed Mustafa Al-Barghathi on 18 October (LH). That assassination led to a tense weekend as al-Barghathi's confederates attacked and burnt the home of Libya Shield commander Wissam Ben Hamid, whom they accused of complicity in the attack. Later in the week, Benghazi was hit with two more assassinations.  On Thursday, unknown assailants killed Air Force Colonel Adel Khalil Tuawhani in front of his house in the Had'iq neighborhood of Banghazi (LNA). On Friday, Colonel Faraj Burwein was killed by unknown gunmen in the Hada'iq neighborhood of Benghazi (ONA). Benghazi also saw attacks on two police stations this week in Ras Obeida and Sabri (LH) and two bombings on Thursday in the Buhedama neighborhood (ONA).  No causalities were reported from these events.

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 Above: Interactive map of security incidents in Bengahzi, 18-25 October.  To explore, zoom and pan to specific locations.  Click on each incident for details and sources.

In other security news, a militia leader was assassinated in Msalata (LH) and a bomb was diffused before it exploded at the Triploi West power station (LH).